This blog holds thoughts and realizations of Tsukiko Risu. Also friends with Natsumi who I also share a blog with. While we share that blog this one is mine to share all my thoughts and feelings, I am only human after all, ironic. This blog also has a sister site called Plus the girl in the picture in the upper right hand side of my blog is "ME".
Monday, May 30, 2011
We are born into this world. We die in this world. We are reborn in another, in heaven. Along our rout we are tested to see if we are worthy to be at God's side. I worry for many, I worry for myself. For if we do not go to heaven is it possible be anywhere other than hell? Well, in order to even be in any of these places, you have to have a soul. But, when we are born where does our soul come from? Are we another persons second chance at life? At fixing something they did wrong? Is it fate that we could be specifically chosen by one soul to harbor it and give it another chance? Where do our souls come from? Is it merely just a part of the parent's soul, or can souls reproduce as well? Where are we from? Is it possible for there to be a before heaven where all the souls that are needed for God's army to be created or stored? And being on earth is just training to get us ready for the after heaven, the one all Christians know of and speak of. Just to prepare us for a war started by jealousy. Are we the ones who have to fix Lucifer's mistake? If so what is to happen to us when it is all over and done, what if God is just using us? He told us that he has prepared a place for us for when the fighting is over. What is to happen to the first heaven? But most importantly, where are we from? Where are our souls coming from? A really big question, yet no answer.
Who Are We...
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One thing that makes me cry is... |
There are people who believe in aliens, vampires, werewolves, ghosts. there are people who do not believe in anything like this. Then, there are people who believe in it all. I believe in everything, because everything is born around some truth. You just need to find it. Vampires for example, i believe in. It could be that there really are creatures like that, but no matter what they are people too. If they are on this earth who are we to judge them? I would feel pretty bad if I were them, being judged like that. If anything I wish I could be one of them. Thinking in the way I do, we are just like them. Taking things from others that might never be repaid. I could be talking about a stereotype, but then again we always do that. We judge each other and hurt one another just to gain what we think we want. We are all selfish and foolish creatures who go behind our comrade's backs. I find it easy to be very ashamed of my species the way we are always so scandalous. I don't understand why we must do what we do. Take and take, but then do we ever give it back. We humans kill other creatures as a way for us to live, but who made it that way? Who said it had to be that way? But that is not my real question. My real question is... Who, are we the human race, to judge anyone? A really big question, yet no answer.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
World Domination Is Imposible
People have tried to take over the world. people like Hitler, places like Germany and Japan. Except they were missing a piece of information that could have saved them some trouble and even their lives. You see (Reminder, this is coming from a 13 year old girl.) they couldn't take over the world because it was already taken over. "By whom?" you might ask. Well it simple, all you need to do is grab a mirror. We the human race have dominated the earth and that is why they failed. Because they were fighting their own species, equally powerful creatures. An animal that has already dominated the earth. The earth cannot be overtaken if it has already been overtaken, none the less by your own kind. It seems utterly ridiculous when you think about it, what they must have done to manipulate themselves to make them so full of it. Do you agree? A really big question, yet no answer.
History... Our Future's Mystery
We, the next generation were always told to learn from our mistakes, to learn from the past. Well every second of every day new history is being made. So are we just going to keep cramming it down the throats of the youth? What are we going to do when there is too much history for the future generations to learn? Are we going to keep teaching them everything this generation is to learn and what happens after we are gone? If so then it would take even longer for them to get out of school, and if college is still a necessity then, how long would that leave them to live the rest of their lives after they graduate? A few years perhaps, when our generation will get thirty or more, they would probably be lucky if they get twenty five. Or in the future, are we just going to stop teaching about the things from the early years of human history? There are many options that all the generations of the future will decide on one day. But i wonder... if we were told to ask the really big questions in life when we were younger, then why do they just ignore us when we do, or treat us like we are baby's who just said their first word? I am thirteen, not two, show some respect. And in the end the question is left unanswered. This is one of those question. Is there an answer? I have no idea for I am just here to ask it. A really big question, yet no answer.
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