Monday, May 30, 2011


We are born into this world. We die in this world. We are reborn in another, in heaven. Along our rout we are tested to see if we are worthy to be at God's side. I worry for many, I worry for myself. For if we do not go to heaven is it possible be anywhere other than hell? Well, in order to even be in any of these places, you have to have a soul. But, when we are born where does our soul come from? Are we another persons second chance at life? At fixing something they did wrong? Is it fate that we could be specifically chosen by one soul to harbor it and give it another chance? Where do our souls come from? Is it merely just a part of the parent's soul, or can souls reproduce as well? Where are we from? Is it possible for there to be a before heaven where all the souls that are needed for God's army to be created or stored? And being on earth is just training to get us ready for the after heaven, the one all Christians know of and speak of. Just to prepare us for a war started by jealousy. Are we the ones who have to fix Lucifer's mistake? If so what is to happen to us when it is all over and done, what if God is just using us? He told us that he has prepared a place for us for when the fighting is over. What is to happen to the first heaven? But most importantly, where are we from? Where are our souls coming from? A really big question, yet no answer.

1 comment:

  1. I believe we know NOTHING of the afterlife. Hell is a stupid idea meant for manipulation. Hell is never described in the Bible. Heaven was never described either. We picture golden cities on clouds, but Heaven and God are so much bigger than that. Life, right now, is the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is not some distant fantasy. It's now. We are the Kingdom, and our goal is to be as Christ-like as possible. A lot of Christians are like the priest and Levite in the parable of the good Samaritan. We say, "I believe in Jesus and you should too so that we can go to Heaven together. I don't really care about your problems, I only care about if you can act like a recording and say what I say." The problem with this is that REAL Christianity is being like Christ. Fixing someone's roof, giving them advice on life, or being their friend. Those are Christlike things to do.

    Think of Jesus. He never, ever, said, "IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE YOU GO TO HELL." He hung around with what people call "sinners." Some people claim to be Christians but act terrible. Others claim not to be religious but are actually Christlike. In a way, Christians are hypocrites. "You're sinning!" is a stupid statement, because pointing that out is a sin.

    But I digress. What I'm trying to say is simply, if you act in Christ and know Him, then you will live forever. It's what Jesus said, after all. Just don't be the priest of Levite. ;)

    About our souls, I believe they were already planned and created by God. Because He knows all things.

